First Heroes: Reading World Mythology
High School (ages 14-18)
Joseph Campbell said “It has always been the prime function of mythology and rite to supply the symbols that carry the human spirit forward.” Dr. Jean Houston calls myth the DNA of culture. To understand any culture—our own or someone else’s—we must know its foundational stories…its myths.
In this class, each month we will be reading one age-appropriate novelization of world myths and/or a novel incorporating traditional mythological content. We will start with the Greeks, whose mythology is at the root of so much of Western culture. However, more than half the class will be on non-European myths, such as stories from Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Oceana. We not only will be analyzing the novels, but also examining what the different models for heroes, monsters, supernatural powers, and magical creatures tells us about each area’s values and cultures. We seek to understand people by reading their ancient tales that continue to shape their societies today. In doing so, we may come to better know ourselves as well.
This is a stand-alone class. However, it is good preparation for the non-Western focused High School World Literature class that is planned for the 2021-2022 academic year.
To enroll in the class, students must be willing to behave according to the Heroic University Honor Code and to agree to the Apprentice Agreement. For more information on these documents, please see the Student Honor Code and Student Work Expectations pages.
Students should be able to read and analyze books at a high school level (that is, have both the technical reading skills and the emotional maturity for young adult themes, including violence and abuse, illness and death, sexuality, prejudice and discrimination, and mental or identity issues). There may be some profanity and/or sexual content.
Note: This is a secular class that will not be reading any books about the current major world religions other than traditional Earth-based/Pagan beliefs. However, comparisons with stories and people from current major religions may come up; if so, they will be discussed in a respectful but secular way.
There are two options for enrolling in this class:
1. First Heroes: Reading World Mythology–Live Classes
In the Live Classes option, students will meet for two hours two-to-three times a month for live literary interpretation (mostly poetry or short essays), to discuss that month’s book or assignments, to present their monthly analysis, and other interactive activities. While in the past Live Classes were held in person, for the time being, all Live Classes will be held via Zoom.
The Live Classes for First Heroes will take place on selected Tuesdays from 10-Noon Eastern Time. Click here for a tentative list of dates.
A significant portion of the class will be spent on the Canvas learning management system (LMS) for our password-protected, class-specific website. Canvas, which is used by many colleges and universities as well as multiple K-12 systems, is where students interact with each other in an online format, mostly by responding to weekly question prompts. It is also where they log their work and earn credit for their submissions through the Canvas Gradebook. Therefore, students must have access to a computer and an email address they can use for communications, posting works, etc.
The cost for the Live Classes option is $400 for the year plus a non-refundable $50 deposit/technology fee. A monthly payment plan is also available for $60/month plus a non-refundable $50 deposit/technology fee.
Live Classes will be limited to 12 students per class in order to allow everyone to participate in the discussions and presentations. Therefore, interested families are advised to register as soon as possible in order to reserve a spot. To register, please go to our Enroll page
2. First Heroes: Reading World Mythology–Self Study (asynchronous online materials only)
For students whose schedules do not permit them to participate in the Live Classes, there is an option for doing only the portion of the class that is conducted on the Canvas LMS. This will be a separate site from the Live Classes, but will contain the same interactive prompts and assignments. This class follows the same structure and deadlines as the Live Classes version, but can be done at the times that fit the student’s schedule. The Self Study also lacks the live literary interpretation component of the Live Classes (approximately 25% of monthly class time). It is well suited to avid readers and/or students who already have some other language arts instruction.
Click here for a tentative list of work deadline dates.
The cost for the Self Study option is $250 for the year plus a non-refundable $50 deposit/technology fee. A monthly payment plan is also available for $40/month plus a non-refundable $50 deposit/technology fee.
To register, please go to our Enroll page.