Student Work Expectations

Peer-to-peer learning is an important aspect of classes in Heroic University. Therefore we ask each student to commit to the Apprentice Agreement that outlines the expectations for their participation and behavior in Heroic University classes and activities, both in person and online. The Apprentice Agreement is shown below.

In accepting a place in Heroic University, I hereby agree to the following Apprentice Agreements:


  • I will act in accordance with the Heroic U Honor Code 
  • I will read the assigned book for each month
  • I will complete and read aloud, demonstrate, or present an analysis of the assigned book each month (Live Classes only) and post it on the website (all)
  • I will make an effort to attend all the regularly-scheduled meetings of the class, arriving on time and with that month’s book and other supplies (Live Classes)
  • I will participate seriously in discussions, online forums, and other class activities
  • I will check the website and answer a question or post something at least weekly, as well as responding to comments or contributions of others
  • I will do my best to contribute to and be a good team mate for all the group projects, activities, and contributions that I undertake with my peers
  • I will be responsible for posting my required assignments on the website, which will be reflected in the Canvas Grades function
  • I will restrict any technology use in class strictly to class purposes (Live Classes)
  • I will give credit to the creators of any text, images, music, or other media I use in my posts or analysis that I did not create myself.