As part of the Town of Cary’s Giving Tree program, in which local community organizations decorate trees to be displayed at the Town Hall campus over the holiday season, Heroic University is sponsoring a tree. What makes our tree unique, though, is that all the decorations were created by hand by our students and their families, AND, each one represents a favorite book of a student at Heroic U.
Using a QR Code on the tree that directs visitors to this blog, we are inviting the public to try to guess which book each decoration is supposed to be. The books range from elementary level to adult, so the whole family can be part of the “Guess What Book?” game.
We will be posting some hints, or focusing on specific ornaments in the coming days, so come back for the clues or to post your guesses.
Also, please realize that some of the ornaments refer to the same book. See if you can tell what book is monopolizing the imagination of our high school students.

Our tree is located on Academy Street between Chatham Street and Chapel Hill Road. We are by the side entrance of the Town Hall, right before you get to the colorful geometric sculpture that is part of the CVA annual Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition.
Thanks to the Heroic U students who created all the beautiful and imaginative ornaments. And extra special thanks to the students who came out in the cold and the rain to decorate the tree.